
Patient Details:
“It’s the best thing that has happened to me!”
If you saw Luis Costa on the street, you probably couldn’t guess his real age. This 47-year-old Warwick, RI resident seems to look younger as the years go on. His explanation? Hair transplantation! A native of Portugal, Luis began noticing his hair loss in his early 20s. He considered himself too young to be losing his hair and decided to buy and wear a hair system- a decision that would burden him for nearly two decades. “I wore a hair piece for 18 years,” Luis said. “People look at you and notice that your hair looks fake. It really affected my self-confidence. There were many activities that I had to avoid. Swimming was a big one. I also avoided sports, such as soccer, or playing around with the kids. When you wear a hair piece, you don’t want anyone to touch it.” It wasn’t until Luis suffered an injury in a car accident that he decided to improve his quality of life and seek the only permanent solution to hair loss. “I was in the hospital for a few weeks,” Luis explained. “I was very embarrassed because I had stitches on my head so they had to remove the hair piece. At that point I decided that I was all done with it. Later I was watching TV and saw a commercial for Dr. Leonard. My wife and I went to speak to him and felt very comfortable with him.” When Luis and his wife came to see me for his confidential consultation, I evaluated his hair loss and explained that he would need more than one procedure to achieve his desired results. “I’m very happy and pleased with the results,” he said. “Now I can do anything. I swim – no worries. I play soccer. I play rough with the kids. It’s the best thing that has happened to me!” Since completing his hair restoration procedures, Luis has become a huge advocate of taking the step toward restoring your hair and your self-confidence. “Some of my friends knew me bald, and now they see me with hair. I always tell them ‘I went to see Dr. Len!'” said Luis. “If anyone is losing their hair, I always recommend ‘Dr. Len’. It is very comfortable talking to him.” If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss, follow Luis’ recommendation and contact me to schedule a free, confidential consultation to explore the many hair restoration options available. Call 1-800-543-0660 or visit
Patient Profile
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Reason for Undergoing Treatment:
“Now I can do anything. I swim – no worries. I play soccer. I play rough with the kids. It’s the best thing that has happened to me!”