Fast Freddy

Patient Details:
MIX 1041 Boston radio personality Fast Freddy Restores His Hair
Boston’s Mix 104.1FM Radio afternoon drive co-host and radio personality Fast Freddy’s hair started to look a little transparent. He felt his hair loss was just his “lot in life.” For this New England celebrity, it wasn’t about what other people thought; this was about how he felt. Then Fast Freddy decided to directly address his hair loss problem and made an appointment with me for a free consultation in my Newton office. As you can easily see from his before and after photos, this is one hair restoration success story that deserves to be shared! When he came to see me for his medical examination, his goal was to see what his options were. We went over the entire hair restoration process and I answered each and every one of his questions and concerns. He had done his homework by reading and talking to people, including another friend in radio who had undergone treatment, so he had excellent questions for me. Since having his transplant, Freddy has a new perspective on his hair. It’s there and it’s me and it’s not going anywhere. I still care a lot about my hair, but I don’t sweat the thinning like before because it’s not thin anymore! It’s my own, it’s growing, and I am so grateful to Dr. Leonard for these amazing results. Freddy’s friends can’t believe how great he looks. They are truly amazed. The experience has made Freddy a big advocate for restoring hair that has been lost. There’s no day like today. Dr. Leonard is a terrific hair transplant surgeon and has given me some of my swag back!
Patient Profile
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Reason for Undergoing Treatment:
Fast Freddy still cares a lot about his hair, but he doesn’t sweat the thinning like before because it’s not thin anymore.