
Patient Details:
Local TV host looks younger
Bob Venturini, host of several local cable TV shows including Bob’s Big Adventures, An Hour with Bob, and Zachary’s Adventures is a confident and active man. He first started noticing that he was losing hair in his mid to late 30s but unlike many men it didn’t really bother him. He knew that hair loss makes you look older but he wasn’t motivated to find a solution. Initially, Bob tried Rogaine but he wasn’t getting the results he wanted. He knew that his hair loss affected people’s perceptions of him, but Bob knew he would never wear a toupee so he felt he was out of options. The logo for Bob’s shows portrays a host with a full head of hair and he didn’t look like his logo anymore. Then Dr. Robert Leonard met Bob and said, “I can make you look younger.” Dr. Leonard’s reputation as the “top guy” and the prospect of looking younger intrigued Bob, so he decided to make an appointment and see what the Doctor had to offer. Eager for results, Bob booked his surgery right away. He has since had a second surgery in November ’06 to further increase his density and thickness. Now Bob is regularly approached by viewers and is told that he looks younger. People don’t realize his age and, as his new hair grows, he looks more and more like his logo again! Plus, his twelve-year-old son thinks he “looks cool” now. Bob says every man should have a hair transplant because it makes you “look and feel younger – and there’s no downside”.
Patient Profile
Age: 61
Gender: Male
Reason for Undergoing Treatment:
“Hair transplants make you look and feel younger – and there’s no downside.”