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Dr. Robert Leonard Presents at the 6th Annual Congress of the Brazilian Association for Hair Restoration Surgery

New England’s Foremost Authority on Hair Restoration Shares
Non-surgical Hair Loss Treatments

Cranston, Rhode Island (September 9, 2016) – Dr. Robert Leonard, chief surgeon and founder of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, recently presented at the 6th Annual Congress of the Brazilian Association for Hair Restoration Surgery in Curitiba, Brazil, August 24 – 27, 2016. Dr. Leonard, an internationally-recognized hair restoration expert, provided fellow doctors with his insight on the most effective non-surgical hair loss treatments.

robert-leonard_1“I am honored to have been selected to provide fellow doctors with my 30-years of experience in the field of hair restoration techniques,” said Dr. Robert Leonard. “When people think of hair restoration, they often think of surgical methods. However, there are several excellent non-surgical treatments available that are extremely effective in stopping progression of one’s native hair and that can, indeed, re-grow hair, depending on a patient’s individual hair loss.”

The 6th Annual Congress of the Brazilian Association for Hair Restoration Surgery was sponsored by the Brazilian Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABCRC) and is a non-profit organization whose members are doctors, dermatologists and plastic surgeons who specialize in hair restoration. Founded in 2003, the Association’s primary mission is continued education in the art and science of Hair Restoration and exchanging ideas, knowledge and experience in this field.

Dr. Leonard presented three current medically sound and scientifically-proven treatments: Propecia, Rogaine® Foam and the Capillus272 PRO laser device. The Capillus272 laser cap is 90% effective in stopping the progression of hair loss and 60% effective in re-growing hair. This device is applicable for men and women and addresses the entire top of a patient’s head – not just specific areas.