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Being a young guy, I felt like Dr. Lopresti was my peer and he had plenty of passion about what he does.

David Backes
15-year NHL Veteran & 2-time Olympian

New Survey Finds Popularity of Surgical, Non-Surgical Treatments Among Women Steadily Increasing

CRANSTON, Rhode Island – Dr. Robert Leonard, chief surgeon and founder of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, says the results of a recent survey by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) which finds more women are using surgical and non-surgical treatments to combat hair loss, reflects a change in culture.

“30 million women suffer from female pattern hair loss,” said Dr. Leonard, New England’s foremost authority on hair restoration. “That’s a huge segment of our population, and, as the discussion about hair loss continues to break into the mainstream, more women are realizing that there are both surgical and non-surgical solutions which can provide an extremely natural looking head of hair.”

According to the survey, ISHRS members reported that 14.1% of their surgical patients were female, which is a 24% increase since 2004. Members also reported that 34.8% of non-surgical patients were female, which is a 23% increase since 2004.

Dr. Leonard says despite this shift, hair loss remains one of the most widespread, yet ignored problems among women, and that it will continue to happen until medical treatment is sought.

For women with thinning hair, Dr. Leonard says there are four options to consider, including Rogaine®, which will stabilize shedding and regrow hair in some patients; Propecia®, which, although not F.D.A approved for women, can be effective in certain patients; low level laser light therapy, which effectively decreases shedding and stimulates hair regrowth; or hair restoration surgery with revolutionary equipment such as NeoGraftTM, an automated technique offered exclusively in New England by Dr. Leonard which provides patients with a more efficient harvest of donor hair.