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New England Hair Restoration Surgeons Reveal Benefits of Portable Laser Treatment

Dr. Robert Leonard, Dr. Matthew Lopresti, benefits of Capillus272 hair restoration system, medical hair loss treatment, Leonard Hair Transplant Associates

Dr. Robert Leonard and Dr. Matthew Lopresti discuss the advantages of using the Capillus272 hair restoration system to halt hair loss and stimulate growth.

Boston, MA—The world does not stop for hair loss, explain New England hair restoration surgeons Robert Leonard, DO and Matthew Lopresti, DO of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates. They say patients often desire hair restoration solutions they can incorporate into their busy lives; however, they also wish for an unobtrusive method to help limit the discomfort and embarrassment that often accompany this condition. In addition to other notable benefits, the Capillus272 laser system, they explain, offers safe, effective treatment for men and women via a convenient portable device.

Utilizing 272 diode lasers, more than any other device available, the Capillus272 helps to slow hair loss and stimulate hair growth over time, Dr. Leonard indicates. Battery powered, discreet, and portable, he says the innovative technology can store easily for travel (TSA typically will not bother with the device) and is designed for on-the-go use. Other benefits of the Capillus272 hair restoration system include:

Drs. Leonard and Lopresti emphasize the versatility of the laser system, saying it potentially can be more effective when utilized in a multidisciplinary approach. By adding medical hair loss treatments such as oral and topical therapies, the New England hair restoration surgeons say they can often develop more pronounced results for their patients in less time.

The Capillus272 is designed to be simple to use from home or nearly anywhere, Dr. Leonard reveals, and the system requires just 30 minutes of use every other day. He cautions that patients should not try to wear the device more often, as excessive operation could have a negative effect. As the treatment may take up to a year or more for hair regrowth to occur, he recommends users of the device be patient and have realistic expectations for the outcome.

Ultimately, Drs. Leonard and Lopresti endeavor to provide patients experiencing hair loss a variety of convenient, safe, and effective solutions that employ the latest technology. The Capillus272, they affirm, is one of the best methods for portable hair restoration available, and the device offers an excellent option for people who do not have an excess of spare time for treatment.

About Leonard Hair Transplant Associates

With offices in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, Leonard Hair Transplant Associates seeks to provide comprehensive hair restoration options for patients across New England. Founded by Dr. Robert Leonard, the practice specializes in surgical hair transplantation; however, they also offer a conservative, multidisciplinary approach utilizing the most effective non-surgical methods available.

For more information about Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, please visit hairdr.com and facebook.com/leonardhair.


Leonard Hair Transplant Associates
922 Reservoir Ave.
Cranston, Rhode Island, 02910
(410) 946-0884
(800) 543-0660

Rosemont Media
(858) 200-0044