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New Survey Finds People Understand The Causes of Hair Loss

CRANSTON, Rhode Island – In a recent U.S. survey commissioned by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – the world’s leading medical authority on hair loss and hair restoration – 82 percent of adults polled correctly identified heredity as the primary cause of hair loss. However, only 15 percent of respondents would first seek out a hair restoration specialist if they were losing their locks.

“We treat a number of patients each year who admit they weren’t aware that hair restoration was a medical specialty devoted to treating hair loss until they found our practice,” says Dr. Robert Leonard of Cranston, RI. “Although early detection and intervention are essential to treating and preventing future hair loss, some patients end up suffering for years – losing more and more of their locks because they simply don’t know who to turn to for help.”

When asked who they would first seek out for advice if they were experiencing hair loss, four in ten adults (40 percent) would choose a primary care or family physician. Only 16 percent of respondents would consult a dermatologist, and far fewer would turn to a friend or family member (8 percent) or a hairstylist (7 percent) for help.

An estimated 80 million American men and women suffer from male and female pattern hair loss. Since hair is universally viewed as a sign of youth and vitality, hair loss can cause a diminished sense of self-esteem and poor self-image that can significantly impact one’s overall quality of life. Fortunately, recent scientific breakthroughs have made hair restoration an option for almost everyone.

“During our initial consultation, patients are relieved to find out that the days when visible ‘plugs’ were the treatment of choice for hair restoration are over,” says Dr. Leonard. “Today’s hair restoration surgery safely and effectively creates natural-looking, permanent results that are virtually undetectable. In our practice, not a day goes by when we don’t hear patients say how many compliments they received on their new hair growth and how they wish they would have treated their hair loss years ago.”

Other key findings of the ISHRS survey include:

Respondents aged 18-24 are the most likely age group to think stress (73%), over-brushing hair (24%) and shampooing too much (20%) cause hair loss.
Nearly two-thirds of adults (63 percent) would be very or somewhat concerned if they were recently divorced and started dating again and were experiencing unexplained, noticeable hair loss.
About three-quarters of respondents (77 percent) would be very or somewhat concerned if they were in their twenties and just starting out in their career and experiencing unexplained, noticeable hair loss.
A vast majority of women (88 percent) would be concerned if they were in their twenties and just starting out in their career and experiencing unexplained, noticeable hair loss compared to 65 percent of men.
Hair restoration surgery and proven medical treatments are an effective combination in treating people with thinning hair and limiting future hair loss. The ISHRS advises anyone considering a hair restoration procedure or treatment to do their homework to find the right physician for their desired outcome.

About the ISHRS.

Founded in 1993, the ISHRS is a non-profit medical association dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of hair restoration. With a membership of over 600 physicians worldwide, the ISHRS provides continuing medical education to physicians specializing in hair loss and restoration surgery and serves as a resource for the public on the latest medical and surgical hair restoration treatments for hair loss. For more information and to locate a physician, visit www.ishrs.org.

About the ISHRS Survey

. This CARAVAN survey was conducted in June 2006 by Opinion Research Corporation in collaboration with ISHRS. Survey results were based on telephone interviews with 1,023 adults 18 years of age and older living in private households in the continental United States.

About Dr. Leonard.

Dr. Robert Leonard has specialized in treating men and women with hair loss for the past 20 years. He is Past President and serves on the Board of Governors of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. His offices are in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, where he treats New Englanders as well as patients from throughout the United States and the world.

Dr. Leonard is a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and is certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. He lectures around the world and has appeared as an expert on female and male pattern hair loss, their current treatments including hair transplant surgery, medical intervention, laser therapy, and ethics. He has been featured on television, on radio, and in print media across the world.

Patients are available to speak on their personal experiences with Dr. Leonard’s treatment.