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"I cannot stress the importance of getting ahead of this before it's too late. I’m so glad that I went to Dr. Lopresti and started the process."

Matt Grzelyck
Pittsburgh Penguins Defenseman

Fulfill Your Longstanding Personal Goals in 2019

As a new year begins, it gives us the opportunity to look back on our achievements from the previous year. It’s a time to evaluate which goals were met and which are yet to be reached. It’s common do this for family issues and for work ones. Very often, however, we keep pushing along, year after year, those personal goals that are often relegated as less important.

These personal desires include living in healthier ways, losing those extra pounds that have accumulated over time, exercising more to be more fit, and meditating to be less stressed. What about, though, taking care of your hair loss? This issue is less discussed in the media and even among friends. It truly is a more personal topic that we don’t commonly discuss with others—it’s a situation that many consider more private and even vain.

Actually, vanity it is not; it is the loss of something that you liked and that you want back to:

•  Look and feel better
•  Look younger
•  Feel like yourself again
•  Be more confident in professional and in personal relationships

Well, Dr. Matthew Lopresti and I are here to tell you that solving your hair “problem” is something we help our patients do every day at Leonard Hair Transplant Associates. We provide accurate medical evaluations and realistic, honest recommendations to allow you to achieve this goal.

Be resolved—right now in this New Year—to actually do something to properly address your hair loss! If you do, you’ll stop your hair from thinning further and/or you will have new growing hair to cheer in the next New Year.

Happy New Year from all of our Team at Leonard Hair Transplant Associates!

Dr. Robert Leonard

Founder of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates