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"Dr. Lopresti is a first class surgeon who breaks the mold of the typical white coat doctor"

Charlie McAvoy
Boston Bruins Defenseman

Hairlines January 2006 Edition


Happy New Year! Looking back at my last Hairlines Poll of 2005, 67% of you responded “Yes” when asked if you discuss your hair loss concerns with close friends or relatives.

I appreciated you sharing some of your struggles with me via e-mail regarding this issue:

“It’s a very personal matter of how I feel about how I look and I want to take care of it privately.”

“I have procrastinated for too many years about my hair loss, b/c of finances and being afraid to take the step to do this kind of thing.


“…I am so embarrassed. When I am with friends, I put brown eye shadow on my scalp.”

These kinds of responses are typical among men and women suffering from hair loss. Patients have shared similar feelings with me during their consultations during many years of practice. In fact this year, I’m celebrating my 20th year as a practicing hair restoration surgeon. After two decades and 18,000 transplant procedures performed, I’ve seen a lot of growth in this specialty (pun intended).

The good news is there are wonderful treatments for all stages of hair loss today. It’s a very personal issue and the fact that you’re reading this now is a very good sign and step in the right direction. One additional observation I have about patients experiencing hair loss is that most want their treatments to be private. I have worked very hard to honor this request from personal, private consultations to confidential treatment provisions for them.

I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the evolution of hair restoration during these last 20 years. For certain, hair “plugs” are a thing of the distant past. With so many new advancements – from fantastically improved transplantation techniques to state-of-the-art infrared light therapy – it’s an honor to play a part in helping thousands of men and women restore their hair and, as a result, their self-confidence.

Hair Fact: Female hair grows more slowly than male hair.

I’m excited to see what other advancements will come about over the next 20 years so I can reach out to more people.

Bob, I promise to keep you in tune in the months ahead by sharing any new trends, ideas, and developments in Hairlines.   Feel free to tell a friend about HAIRLINES.  Simply click on my image to the left.

In the meantime, call me today for a free consultation at 1-888-284-9558.

Dr. Robert Leonard
Founder and Chief Surgeon

I’m thrilled to announce that one of my patients was featured in Woman’s World magazine.  More information coming soon!

TELL A FRIEND — Simply click on the magazine image below.