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"They actually moved my entire hairline back to where it was in my wedding photos"

Rob "Hardy" Poole
98.5 The Sports Hub

HairDr Line – Shampoo, Conditioner and Hair Spray

I’ve been asked thousands of times for my recommendations for hair care products.  After working with a chemist and investigating key ingredients that provide health to the follicles, I unveiled my own hair care line called HairDr.  This product line was specifically formulated for people with thinning hair.  

Each product in the HairDr line – shampoo, conditioner and hair spray – features a unique blend of herbal extracts and copper/peptides that help to revitalize hair.  Studies show that copper/peptides help stop the negative effects of hair loss as well as increase the size of hair follicles, leading to thicker, fuller, and healthier hair.

Regarded as natural hair growth stimulators, specific herbal extracts have been infused into every HairDr product.  Specifically, HairDr Shampoo features clove and honey extract; HairDr Conditioner has sage, wheat and kelp extracts; HairDr Hair Spray is infused with alfalfa, aniseed and parsley extracts.

I’ve always embraced offering a suite of options for my patients when it comes to hair restoration, from non-invasive treatments such as Rogaine Foam, Propecia, and laser therapy to hair transplant surgery.  

This line of products allows people with thinning—as well as anyone  who wants to be proactive regarding their hair health—to  use something positive and effective on a daily basis to maintain ans restore healthy hair.  

Anyone interested in trying my HairDr line can purchase these products through any of my seven offices throughout New England.