In his own words, Boston’s Mix 98.5 radio personality Fast Freddy is “psyched.” And he has every reason to be. He has his own growing hair back. At the end of January, I performed a hair transplant procedure on Fast Freddy and he wasted no time going back to work to show off the newly planted follicles. As he quipped, “I have no shame in my game.”
For this 30-something, it wasn’t about what other people thought – this was about how he felt. Freddy had thinning on the top of his head and some on the crown. In his industry, the lines between radio, television and video are blurring. In the good old days, a radio personality could hide behind the studio mic and literally be only a voice over the airwaves. With the birth of the Internet and other technologies, Fast Freddy’s hair loss started to become a problem.
“I used to be the first one to do an entertainment bit, [on television] then I found myself pulling back and not having the confidence any longer after I began to lose my hair,” shares Freddy.
When he came to see me for a consultation, his goal was to see what his options were. We went over the entire hair restoration process and I answered his list of questions and concerns. He had done his homework, reading and talking to people, including another friend in radio who had undergone treatment. Fast Freddy shared with me that his family all has thick, curly hair and that his was always kind of “wispy.” He felt his hair loss was just his “lot in life.”
Just days after the surgery, Freddy was back in our office starting a regimented program of low laser light therapy, which will help healing and will stimulate early hair growth of the newly transplanted hairs. I expect Freddy will be very pleased with the results, and I look forward to sharing his before and after photos with you once his hairs begin to grow.
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