Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and 2008 is off to a great start. I believe that 2008 is going to be a remarkable year for innovations in hair restoration. Hair loss is already a major topic in the media, and we’re not even a month into the New Year!
- BioTech start-up HairDX has announced the release of HairDX.com, an at home test that the company claims to provide an accurate and understandable genetic analysis of a man’s likelihood of developing male pattern baldness. As you know, hair loss is 98% genetics, so it will be interesting to see the impact of this new product within the industry.
- On her show last week, Oprah discussed hair loss in women. The host shared information she’d learned from her gynecologist: that a high glycemic diet may cause a hormonal imbalance in women, which in turn could cause hair loss. I’m frankly not at all convinced of this information since 98% of hair loss is genetic. However, there can be a temporary shedding that can occur with a rapid loss of weight.
- Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was spotted entering an office building in New York City. After making a few phone calls, The New York Post speculated that he was visiting a hair restoration specialist’s office. Personally, I think Brady has something else on his mind these days!
Whether it is a new product hitting the market, a discussion on a talk show or a celebrity seeking treatment, hair loss is a topic that will prove to have staying power in 2008. I hope to see more people starting a dialogue about this widespread condition, affecting 80 million American men and women.
Amy, I know hair loss is a topic that is of interest to you, and I invite you to use Hairlines to ask questions, share your feedback and pass along any related stories you see in the news media. As always, if you or someone you know is concerned about hair loss, encourage them to get realistic answers from an expert with compassion and over 20 years of experience. Call me today at 1-800-543-0660 or visit www.hairdr.com.

Dr. Robert Leonard Founder and Chief Surgeon