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“Dr. Lopresti made me feel comfortable and I knew he was the right doctor for me.”

Rob Ninkovich
New England Patriots Super Bowl XLIX and LI Champion

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery’s 20th Annual Orlando Live Surgery Workshop


Dr. Matthew Lopresti & Dr. Robert Leonard

Dr. Matthew Lopresti and I recently attended the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery’s (ISHRS) 20th Annual Orlando Live Surgery Workshop.

This is one of the best meetings in the world for both beginners as well as for advanced hair restoration surgeons to attend.  The main reason for this is that there are several live surgeries being performed during the three-day symposium.

Attendees can directly observe, question and make comments to the operating surgeons along with several experienced hair restoration surgeons right there on site to teach all doctors present.  Each morning consists of a traditional lectures and live patients evaluations followed by surgical cases covering the topics discussed in the presentations.

I have taught at this meeting 17 out of 20 years.  At this platinum anniversary of the Workshop, I participated as a panelist of the “Female Hair Loss Consultation Process and Hairline Design” where I provided my opinion on two live patients.  I also was a supporting faculty member on a live “Follicular Unit Transplant Strip Surgery”.
Finally, I presented a lecture titled, “My Approach to the Female Hair Loss Patient”, which was very well received.

It has been a great honor to have been a member of the faculty of this auspicious symposium and extremely gratifying for me over these last many years to offer my experience to as well as to learn from attendees from all over the world.
