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“Dr. Lopresti is a cool guy and a great surgeon. I definitely made the right choice.”

Chris Gronkowski
3-year NFL Veteran

Stress may cause temporary shedding, but 98% of hair loss is genetic

The last few months our patients have been asking if hair loss can be caused by stress.  Many people, including reporters and physicians point to stress as a common cause of losing hair.  It is important to remember that  98% of hair loss is caused by genetics and not stress.  If stress caused hair loss can you imagine how many people would be bald based upon the last year!

Now there is a condition called telogen effluvium that can cause follicles to temporarily shed or thin out.  Telogen effluvium seldom lasts longer than four to six months and usually resolves on its own.  If you don’t want to wait, the use of Rogaine Foam, Propecia, Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments and the Auzo A300 device could help provide a better outcome sooner.

Signs of telogen effluvium are seeing an increase of hairs in the shower drain, in your brush, on your pillowcase and in the sink.  I know it’s tough not to be agitated, but patience is a virtue during this period of temporary shedding.  Stay positive and keep in mind that after the hair falls out new hairs start to grow, but it maybe several months until you notice the density.

We at Leonard Hair Transplant Associates understand that this temporary loss can be unnerving, but rest assured with time and patience it will stop.  If you experience an an exorbitant amount of hair loss or thin patches on your scalp it’s time to contact a hair loss physician right away.

Dr. Matthew Lopresti

Chief Surgeon at Leonard Hair Transplant Associates