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“I was losing my MoJo! Thanks to Dr. Lopresti, I have my own permanent hair growing again.”

Mike Adams
Radio Personality

Hair Transplant Surgery in the Summer Do’s and Don’ts

It’s funny; there are certain patients who actively plan to have their hair transplanted at our practice, Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, during the summer months.  They are most notably teachers, professors, students and, frankly, anyone who has a planned vacation week during this beautiful time of the year.

man-on-beachIt truly is a great time of the year to have a hair transplant—especially if the patient has the good fortune to get to the beach shortly after their procedure.  This is because, even though scabbing and crusting minimally occur these days, a dip or two in the ocean cleans any that may form very quickly.  In fact, I had my two hair transplant procedures during the summer; when I returned to work 10 days later, it was difficult to notice anything unusual about either surgical site because I went into the Atlantic after the third post-operative day each time.

It is very, very important, however, NOT to get a sunburn on the scalp while at the beach!  Wearing a hat in the hot (or not-so-hot) summer sun is imperative.

So, if your hair loss is bothering you this summer, come in now for your complimentary consultation and get your hair restored.  It’ll be growing back by the New Year!

Dr. Robert Leonard

Founder and Chief Surgeon